contemporary abstract art for the contemporary intentional life

Purr Me to Sleep

Could! Not! Sleep!!! My mind darted from a looming project deadline, to strategizing new painting techniques, to mowing the backyard, to processing my most recent failed romance, to pulling garden weeds and back again! Recurring . . . a ferocious, chaotic cycle! The clock ticking toward 2:00 a.m. “I have got to get up early in the morning! Please help me sleep!” I wailed to the universe.

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My True Path

Way back when I was in high school as a mere seventeen-year-old, I hung a painting in my first art show. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my first painting ever, but it was certainly among the first I was not ashamed to show in public.

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Morning Pages . . . again

Well, here I go again with morning pages. This time, though, a couple of friends are navigating Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way with me. I’m eager to see how this creativity exercise relates to visual arts.

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